Short information
Wiadomości: 3

The following monograph is the result of a significant participation of the authors in the implementation of various research programs such as the research program for the PZL I-22 Iryda combat jet trainer aircraft, several national and two European scientific and research programs, a cooperation with Polish and foreign aviation companies and the authors' own work and research. It was mainly carried out at the Institute of Aviation and the Warsaw University of Technology at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering.
J. Smith

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Napisano: 26.03.2020 13:29:24
Wiadomości: 8

This monograph results from the authors' deep involvement in various research programs, including the development of the PZL I-22 Iryda combat jet trainer. It details collaborations with Polish and foreign aviation firms and includes research conducted at the Institute of Aviation and Warsaw University of Technology. For more on technological innovation and expertise, check out This work highlights significant contributions to aviation technology through practical and theoretical research.

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Napisano: 28.05.2024 10:26:48
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