• Great book. Full of a carefully collected data, the result of an impressive historical survey. The historical contribution of the Jewish community of Dobczyce cannot be overstated. What is blatant is the obvious political correctness (why is this still P.C. ?!) of this study in the Holocaust section. Here we have nothing but examples of some positive attitudes of the neighbors in saving Jews. (just few notes like this one e.g.: “Schmuel Milner was sold to Germans for 6 kgs of sugar”). Great if it would have been a true perspective. On Jedwabne memorial we read: “To the memory of those murdered and burned alive at this site.” Period. Not a mention that by their closest neighbors (who became the beneficiaries of this crime). Whitewashing the past for political purposes creates successive generations of nationalists and xenophobes. Which is what we experience right now. Or perhaps the Goyim of Dobczyce were a laudable exception on a national scale, as this study suggests? I wish it had been true

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